The Internet of Things is Here: Don’t Miss Your Connection!


Manufacturers are already starting to integrate the technology into consumer products as diverse as fridges, cars, coffee-makers and TVs, but this is only the beginning. IoT is set to transform the world of business, and the potential benefits are far-reaching, ranging from improving energy efficiency and making equipment failure a thing of the past, to enhancing safety and security, and supporting faster and better decision-making – even enabling whole new products, services and business models.

Gartner, the world’s leading research and advisory company, estimated that 8.4 billion connected things are in use worldwide in 2017, and forecasts this number will reach 20.4 billion by 2020!

How it Works: IoT Made Simple

Objects (or assets) connected to IoT are fitted with a sensor; this can be designed to monitor things like temperature, vibration, light, weight, movement, power consumption – or virtually anything else that may be required. Data from a sensor is captured in an integrated IoT terminal, and can be transmitted to other assets and central management systems autonomously. Terminals can also receive instructions.

Connectivity normally takes the form of a SIM card, meaning the IoT device is cellular, like a smartphone, but terminals can also communicate via fixed line, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or even via satellite.

Vodafone Leads the Way

For businesses of any size, IoT opens up a whole new world of opportunities for increased agility and efficiency, and Vodafone is at the forefront of the revolution.

Combining the world’s largest mobile network with outstanding technology, Vodafone is helping businesses all over the world take advantage of IoT by creating bespoke solutions.

5 Ways Customers Benefit from IoT Technology

  • Securing SitesBy providing connectivity for wireless security cameras and sending images to a monitoring centre, IoT is helping protect sites even where there’s no supporting infrastructure.
  • Monitoring StockBy monitoring the weight of stock held by product type, IoT is giving Pick & Mix retailers accurate information on stock levels in real-time.
  • Smart MetersBy monitoring and reporting utility usage to providers automatically, IoT eliminates the need – and cost – of having to use staff to visit customers’ homes to check meters.
  • Equipment TrackingIoT is helping all kinds of businesses to ensure high-value assets don’t go missing, tracking movement and location in real-time.
  • Health MonitoringIoT is enabling health professionals to carry out checks and get information on patients without them needing to book an appointment or make a surgery visit.

How Could IoT Transform Your Business?

Take a moment to imagine what IoT technology could do for your business. How much more efficient could your business be, and how much money could you save if your key assets were IoT connected and able to send and receive critical information instantly?

As a Vodafone Total Communications Partner , DRC can help you take full advantage of IoT technology by developing a solution tailored to your business.

Independent research conducted on behalf of Vodafone indicates that 63% of global businesses expect to have live IoT projects within a year, and e very day, thousands of businesses are adopting the technology. Take the first step to getting your business connected by calling one of our advisors now on 01256 895895!

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Amy Bennett
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